LAGI 2019 Abu Dhabi—Return to the Source—invites you to create an iconic work of art for a landmark site within Masdar City, Abu Dhabi. Your artwork will use renewable energy technology as a medium of creative expression and will provide on-site energy production consistent with the master plan of the city.
Masdar is the Arabic word for “source.” As the name of Abu Dhabi’s multifaceted renewable energy company and most ambitious low-carbon development, it is a reference to the Sun, the source of energy that sustains life on Earth, drives the wind and waves, and that over millions of years powered the transfer of ancient carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and into the ground, creating a climate habitable to humans.
“Source” also has meaning within the context of the Land Art Generator initiative, which was established in the UAE in 2008. The first LAGI design competition was supported by Masdar and the award ceremony took place at the 2011 World Future Energy Summit, where eight years later the 2019 LAGI design competition is launched.
LAGI 2019 presents a new kind of challenge from the Land Art Generator Initiative. The 24th World Energy Congress will be the venue for the exhibition of 25 shortlisted projects designed for Masdar City.
LAGI 2019—Return to the Source—invites you to present your vision for what public art looks like within the public spaces of Masdar City—the global capital of sustainability.
JANUARY 16, 2019
LAGI 2019 competition opens
End of question & answer period
Answers will be posted to the LAGI website
MAY 12
Competition closes at 23:59 (11:59 pm)
Selection & jury process
Winners & shortlist contacted
Award ceremony and exhibition held at the
24th World Energy Congress, Abu Dhabi
Exhibition and book launch at the World Future Energy Summit, Abu Dhabi
The LAGI 2019 Design Site at Masdar City is a gateway to Masdar City.
The LAGI 2019 book featuring 50–60 submissions will be published with Prestel (a division of Random House) and will be released in January 2020 at the World Future Energy Summit.
LAGI 2019 is free and open to anyone around the world. We encourage interdisciplinary teams (although we also welcome solo work) and invite participation from artists, architects, landscape architects, engineers, scientists, and anyone who has an idea for how our new energy systems can be culturally celebrated and joyful contributions to our public spaces.
Award ceremony and primary exhibition will be held at the 24th World Energy Congress in September 2019 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre. A second exhibition will accompany the book launch at the 2020 World Future Energy Summit.
Download LAGI design guidelines
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