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09 - 12 September 2019   |   ADNEC
Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of The United Arab Emirates
Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of The United Arab Emirates


The 24th World Energy Congress is a global platform, boasting a wide range of public and private side events.

The Francophonie Institute for Sustainable Development (IFDD)

12 September 2019, 12:30 – 14:10, Capital Suite 20 I Open to attend with particular focus on the following Francophone actors in the energy sector: Ministers, World Energy Council representatives, government experts, parliamentarians, local elected officials, civil society leaders, private sector, development partners

This lunch conference allows the Francophone community to discuss the theme of "Energy for prosperity in the Francophone countries", to assess the role of sustainable energy for inclusive prosperity and contribute effectively to exchanges during the World Energy Congress. 

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World Economic Forum – Global Energy Transition

10 September 2019, 15:30 – 16:45, Capital Suite 5 I By invitation only

Globally, energy systems are experiencing significant and fast change, driven by forces such as technological innovation, changes in consumption patterns, supply dynamics, and environmental concerns. However, the world’s transition to a more secure, affordable, reliable and sustainable energy system has stalled, with little progress achieved in the past five years. Accelerating energy transition requires faster progress on all fronts, including research on and deploying technology, large amounts of investment, formulating and implementing effective policy and ultimately the involvement of individual consumers.

Given the scale and complexity of the challenge and its interdependencies across different systems, no stakeholder group or organization can tackle this alone. The World Economic Forum’s platform on Shaping the Future of Energy aims at creating the conditions for increasing the speed of adoption of effective public policies and corporate decisions as well as facilitating collaboration across energy ecosystem actors, taking into account the existing interdependencies.

Part of the Global Energy Transition Dialogue Series, the sessions aimed to gather businesses, governments and other stakeholders to take stock of progress so far, explore where to redouble efforts based on successful case studies and to help countries overcome the barriers preventing an effective energy transition.

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Accelerating CCUS Together – Financing a key piece of the clean energy puzzle  

10 September, 09:00 – 16:00, Capital Suite 18| By invitation only 

 The Gulf Region has a strategic interest and technical experience in developing carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) technologies, as part of their strategies towards a sustainable energy future. This event brings together the key stakeholders in the Gulf Region, including governments, industry and the financial sector. It provides a regional state of play on CCUS developments, as well as countries’ views on CCUS in the future. It also aims to identify near-term investment opportunities for CCUS investment.

The event also intends to gather views from the financial sector in the region regarding their appetite to invest in CCUS. The financial sector should also deliver key messages to the governments regarding the expected and preferred policy approaches to make CCUS projects investable. This working level dialogue event is organised under the framework of the Clean Energy Ministerial CCUS Initiative, which helps to accelerate CCUS, e.g. by bringing key stakeholders together in different world regions.

The event is co-hosted by United Arab Emirates and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

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Reliable & Sustainable Power Grids (GO15) & International Confederation of Energy Regulators (ICER) – Joint Annual Workshop 

11 September, 8:30 - 17:00, Capital Suite 18 | Limited seats only

The Energy Regulators play a key role in providing a regulatory framework that enable the transition to the energy mix, while GO15 members bring a wealthy experience from 6 continents, in dealing with various economic environments and regulatory approaches.

This workshop addresses the The Energy Transition' s key challenges and enablers and focuses on:

             • The Renewables Revolution

             • The Energy Transition - Grid Operators Perspective

             • Regulatory Evolution to Support the Energy Transition 


Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP)– Energy Transition: Reshaping Investments and Strategies – HOW TO ENSUre energy investments continue to flow ina low carbon world?

11 September, 9:00 – 14:00, Capital Suite 7| By invitation only

Energy transition opens up new investment opportunities in new and fast-developing sectors on the supply side and the demand side such as battery technologies, storage, mobility. These changing dynamics are bringing new insights that are reshaping the energy sector, its structure and its business models.

This senior level meeting addresses the critical theme of energy transition and brings together a select group of top decision-makers and thought leaders from the various energy value chain sectors and the investment community.

APICORP ( is a multilateral development financial institution established in 1975 to foster the development of the Arab world’s energy sector and petroleum industries. The corporation is owned by the ten Arab oil exporting countries. APICORP makes equity investments and provides project finance, trade finance, advisory and research to the energy industry in its member states and the region.

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IHS Markit – Cleantech and the Low Carbon Future: Shape of Things to come

10 September, 13:00-14:00, Capital Suite 5 | Open for anyone to attend

Despite the outstanding growth of renewable energy in the last few years, it is clear that renewables (wind and solar photovoltaics) by themselves will not be enough to reach the climate and carbon targets. Many other technologies will be required to improve energy efficiency, electrify transportation and decarbonize heat to reduce emissions across all end-use sectors.

The event is a combination of brief presentation, panel dialogue, and Q&A session with the audience, and explores what contribution clean technologies can make in the future; discussing the following key questions about the future of the energy industry:

How far can today’s projections for renewable deployment get us in terms of meeting climate agreements?
Which clean technologies can play the greatest role in the future in helping to meet targets?
What role will batteries play in decarbonising the energy and transportation sector?

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Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM)– Energy transformation and regional integration of power systems

 11 September, 15:00-19:00, Capital Suite 7 | Open to all WEC participants

At the invitation of the UAE government, the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) Secretariat in collaboration with CEM work streams organised a side event to showcase six of its areas of work that focus on power systems transformation. CEM work streams offers their perspectives on regional integration of power systems, each focusing on those aspects and angles that are central to their area of work. The UAE government is actively engaged in these CEM work streams and also shared its national and regional perspectives.

Multiple CEM members, including Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Japan, India, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, the UK and the USA lead the work of these six CEM work streams and contributed to the event.

HE Matar El Neyadi, the UAE’s Under Secretary of Energy, and Christian Pilgaard Zinglersen, Head of the CEM Secretariat, opened the event, kicking off a wide range of discussions that will include Long-term planning and energy scenarios, Policies for regional interconnection; Regional integration and power system flexibility, Nuclear and renewable energy interplay; and CCUS and opportunities in the Gulf region.

For more information please contact Ellina Levina, Partnerships Manager at the CEM Secretariat

Sustainable Finance and Carbon Markets: new opportunities for the GCC?

12 September 2019, 09:30 - 13:30, Capital Suite 7|By invitation only

The rapid development of renewable energies and the increasing efforts in energy efficiency and carbon reduction projects create opportunities for market players to obtain and trade in innovative forms of financing, including carbon credits and/or clean energy certificates. These new tools form part of a complementary suite of financing instruments to foster the energy transition and help address climate change.

Under the chairmanship of Mr Gerard Mestrallet (Co-Chair of CPLC), the event explored the status of sustainable finance, carbon pricing, and carbon market instruments in the region as well as showcased examples of international institutions, countries and companies. It aimed to facilitate the start of a regional dialogue amongst key stakeholders. Event participants included Ministers, high level representatives from governments, international organizations, utilities and industry leaders, and civil society organisations.

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International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)– Enabling environments for attracting investments in renewables and maximising socioeconomic benefits

11 September 2019,  15:30– 17:30, Capital Suite 5 | Open to all WEC participants

Transforming the energy system requires policies that contribute to an enabling environment for attracting investments in the sector. As deployment has grown and technology matured, renewable energy policies are increasingly integrated into overall energy sector planning while also addressing wider growth and development objectives. Renewable energy deployment can foster economic growth, increase welfare and create new employment opportunities, while mitigating climate change. IRENA’s side event at the World Energy Congress provides a forum for dialogue on policy frameworks and finance requirements to deploy renewable energy in a just and inclusive manner. The discussion focuses on the transformative actions needed to align energy policies with climate objectives, unlock investments, scale-up renewable energy projects, and strengthen local capacities and public acceptance. Participants also reflects on how to broaden policy frameworks to maximise the socioeconomic benefits of the energy transformation.

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 Atlantic Council– Shifting Gears: The Future of Transportation and Peak Oil Demand

11 September 2019, 13:00 – 14:30, Capital Suite 5 | Open to all 

For the past year, the Atlantic Council has been exploring the impact that aggressive decarbonization policies and the transformation of the fuels market will have on global oil demand and geopolitics. At the conclusion of this effort, report authors RJ Johnston and Randy Bell presented their findings through a launch of the report ‘Shifting Gears: The Future of Transportation and Peak Oil Demand’, a study of the possible trajectories for oil demand in the energy transition and the effect these trajectories may have on markets, oil producers, energy trade, and global politics.

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Renewable Energy Project Development Office (REPDO), Saudi Arabia– Round Three of Saudi Arabia’s National Renewable Energy Program

 11 September 2019, 13:15 -  14:00, KSA Pavilion, Hall 7 | Open to all WEC delegates 

The Kingdom aims to deploy 27.3GW of renewable energy projects by 2024 and 58.7GW by 2030. The Renewable Energy Project Development Office (REPDO) of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Energy Industry and Mineral Resources, invited interested parties to learn more about Saudi Arabia’s National Renewable Energy Program (NREP). Investment opportunities and localization incentives were covered within the session and REPDO’s technical development and tendering teams provided specific focus on the NREPs “Round Three” projects which will be publicly tendered in Q4 of 2019.

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abu dhabi Department of Energy– Abu Dhabi Energy Transition: Future Scenarios and Implications for Security, Environment and Economic Growth

10 September 2019, 15:00 – 17:00, Capital Suite 1|Open to all WEC participants

The Abu Dhabi Department of Energy (DoE) hosted a panel discussion to share local energy perspectives and exchange views with international experts to gain a deeper insight into global energy trends. The panel was led by H.E. Awaidha Al Marar, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Department of Energy, who also shared recommendations on some of the modalities and approaches used for energy modeling and refine future scenarios for Abu Dhabi energy. Panelists provided critical insights into trends in energy demand and supply and what these mean for energy security, environmental protection and economic development.

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Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority– Boosting Electricity Interconnection Development and Cooperation between Africa and GCC

 11  September 2019, 15:00- 18:00, Capital Suite 21 | Open to all WEC participants

Africa region has a long experience on positive practices on electricity interconnection, which encompasses the great majority of African nations. This topic of great importance for the continent is high in the agenda of African leaders and represents a major component of Africa’s vision for its future i.e. “The Africa Union Agenda 2063 - The Africa We Want”, set by the Africa Union, which has been largely supported by the African stakeholders to address the issues associated with the Sustainable Development of the Continent.

The Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority interconnect the power grids of Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Emirates, which is a unique project with strategic importance to the GCC countries with the aim of paving the way towards the evolution of a common GCC Electricity energy market. This interconnection enhanced and optimized the utilization of the GCC energy resources and investments towards a more efficient electricity supply delivery.

With the high prospects of developing more interconnection of regional grids, the GCCIA and African states are viewed to be catalysts for growth of regional power trade. The ultimate long-term goal would be to connect to regional power networks in Asia, Africa and Europe, presenting vast opportunities for economic and energy exchanges.

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IHS Markit
Atlantic Council NEW
GCC Interconnection Authority GCCIA

World Energy Council Events 


World Energy Leaders' Summit (WELS)

CEO Roundtable: Tuesday, 10 September
Trilemma Ministerial Roundtable: Wednesday, 11 September

The WELS are high-level exclusive events reserved for the global energy leaders’ community to facilitate dialogue on critical issues affecting the energy sector. Participation is by invitation only and will include:

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Future Energy Leaders Programme (FELs)

The Future Energy Leaders’ Programme of the World Energy Council is designed to inspire, grow and develop the world’s energy leaders of tomorrow. This exclusive network of exceptional individuals from across the globe includes a diversity of participants from across the energy spectrum. The FEL community builds on creative ideas and the innovative potential of the next generation to challenge conventional thinking and explore new strategies for the future of our energy systems. It offers young professionals a unique opportunity for learning and development with exposure to critical issues in the energy debate.

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More details will appear on this page in due course as other side events are confirmed; so please check back regularly. For more information on side events contact Fran Rogers, Side Events Manager, Organising Committee at

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